The Best TV Sex Scenes of 2017: Sex on TV Year in Review

Looking back on the past year, we can't help but reminisce about some of the most jaw-dropping, hilarious, and heartwarming moments on the small screen. From shocking plot twists to tear-jerking finales, 2017 was a year packed with unforgettable TV moments. Whether it was a groundbreaking episode or a viral moment that took the internet by storm, there's no denying that this year was one for the books. And if you missed any of these iconic moments, don't worry - you can always catch up on all the action with a little help from this website.

In 2017, television continued to push the boundaries of what is considered acceptable on screen. From steamy love scenes to raw and gritty depictions of sex, TV shows are becoming increasingly bold in their portrayal of intimate moments. As we look back on the year that was, let's take a closer look at some of the best TV sex scenes of 2017.

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The Crown: The Royal Rendezvous

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The Crown, a historical drama about the reign of Queen Elizabeth II, may not be the first show that comes to mind when thinking about steamy sex scenes. However, the show's second season featured a particularly memorable moment between the Queen and her husband, Prince Philip. In a beautifully shot scene, the couple indulges in a passionate tryst that showcases the depth of their connection and the complexities of their relationship.

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Game of Thrones: In the Heat of the Battle

Game of Thrones is no stranger to controversial sex scenes, and 2017 was no exception. In the seventh season, we were treated to a steamy encounter between Jon Snow and Daenerys Targaryen, two characters who have been building sexual tension for several seasons. The scene, which takes place in the midst of a heated battle, is as intense and fiery as the dragons that populate the show's world.

Big Little Lies: Love and Betrayal

Big Little Lies, a hit HBO miniseries, captivated audiences with its gripping story of love, betrayal, and murder. The show also featured some incredibly intimate and emotionally charged sex scenes, particularly those between Celeste and Perry, a couple whose relationship is fraught with tension and violence. These scenes are not only steamy but also serve to highlight the complexities of the characters' emotions and desires.

The Deuce: A Gritty Portrayal of Sex Work

The Deuce, a gritty drama set in 1970s New York City, delves deep into the world of sex work and the porn industry. The show features numerous explicit sex scenes that are raw and unapologetic in their portrayal of sexuality. While these scenes may be difficult to watch at times, they are an essential part of the show's exploration of the intersection of sex, power, and exploitation.

Master of None: A Modern Love Story

Master of None, a critically acclaimed comedy-drama, continued to impress in its second season with its thoughtful and nuanced portrayal of modern relationships. The show featured several memorable sex scenes that were not only steamy but also incredibly relatable. From awkward one-night stands to tender moments of intimacy, Master of None captures the full spectrum of human sexuality with humor and sensitivity.

The Handmaid's Tale: Sex as a Weapon

The Handmaid's Tale, based on Margaret Atwood's dystopian novel, is a chilling and thought-provoking exploration of a society where women are oppressed and stripped of their autonomy. The show's sex scenes are not meant to titillate but rather to serve as a stark reminder of the ways in which sex can be used as a weapon to control and subjugate women. These scenes are uncomfortable to watch, but they are a crucial part of the show's powerful and important message.

In Conclusion

The TV sex scenes of 2017 were as diverse as they were daring, showcasing the full range of human sexuality in all its complexity. From passionate love scenes to raw and gritty depictions of sex, these moments pushed the boundaries of what is considered acceptable on screen. As we look ahead to the future, it's clear that television will continue to be a platform for exploring and celebrating the many facets of human intimacy.